The Quigley Shooting Asssociation
1000YD BILLY DIXON SHOOT – 8th July 2017.
In a complete contrast to last year, Saturday morning, July 8th and this time the Pennine weather blessed us with virtually wall to wall sunshine. Of course the snaking Diggle ‘breeze’ was omnipresent as usual making the little targets very challenging.
Most people reading this will probably be acquainted with Billy’s famous 1,538 yard shot at the battle of Adobe walls in 1874, which effectively ended Comanche chief Quanah Parker’s attack on the 28 men and one woman encamped in the little trading post.
The Quigley Shooting Association annual competition is based on Billy’s long shot using modern replica firearms of the period, fitted with open iron sights and fuelled only with black powder. The competition consisted of two stages. Stage 1 being two sighters and ten shots to count at a standard bullseye target to get the range and sight setting. Stage 2 was ten shots to count on a scaled down mounted Indian figure target representing a range of 1500 yds. Front rests were permitted as the only aid, no optic sights allowed. The winner is determined by the number of hits on the Indian, followed by hits on the horse, one point being awarded for hits on the backing which miss the silhouette.
With the infamous Diggle ‘breeze’ some difficulty was expected, however almost everyone managed to score hits on the frame. This year only four firers hit the mounted figure but only one managed to hit the figure more than once, well done Dave Malpas. The three others each scored one hit on the Indian, and one hit on the horse, so it became necessary to count back to hits on the backer. Mark Silver, shooting his Sharps .45/110 had hit it six times to Eric Todd’s five and Steve Bonfield’s four hits. Commiserations to ‘Indian lover, horse killer’ Ken Hall for hitting the horse three times. Many thanks as usual to all who attended and a special thanks to our intrepid RO Steve Hodge.
Ist place Dave Malpas .45/70 Garrett Sharps
2nd place Mark Silver .45/110 Sharps
3rd place Eric Todd .45/90 Sharps
Eric, Dave and Mark