The Quigley Shooting Asssociation
Saturday 30th June and the fourth annual QSA Mini Tightgroup competition got under way with just 12 firers probably due to holidays and the fantastic (so far) weather. Run on the lines of our black powder competition only this time with pistol calibre underlever rifles. Each firer was to fire four separate groups of five rounds at 100 metres, the resulting group sizes recorded were then added together and divided by 4, to give an average group size.
Some respectable groups appeared even though a strong crosswind may have opened some of the groups a little, the trick was to maintain the standard for all groups, some managed better than others to rein in the flyers. Ian Lord got off to a good start with groups measuring 3.8in and 3.35in but unfortunately blew it with his last group with an out of orbit flyer destroying his average. With four of the firers shooting black powder loaded cartridges the results show that these 19th century designed rifles are capable of good accuracy in the right hands.
Competitor Best Group Average Rifle / Calibre
1st K. Hall 2.65in 4.7in Winchester ‘73 .44/40 BP
2nd K. Ball 4.25in 5.125in Winchester .45Colt
3rd I. Lord 3.35in 5.38in Marlin .44Mag
Smallest group K. Hall 2.65in.