The Quigley Shooting Asssociation
From Chris Barnard
I just thought that I would do some brief book reviews, would you mind passing on to the other members as they might not be aware of these books.
Well, I say reviews, not exactly, I will say however that if you like lots of colour pictures and are mad about Sharps, Rolling Blocks, early re-loading tools and cartridges, these books are for you. They are not cheap and have to come from the states with the exception of the poster. Well, lets get on.
'Sharps Firearms, Early Metallic Cartridge Firearms and Model 1874 Sporting Rifles' by Roy Marcot and Ron Paxon with input from others, including a friend of mine, De Witt Bailey II.
'Remington Rolling Block Rifles, Carbines and Shotguns, Sporting and Target Rifles' by Roy Marcot.
'Reloading Tools of the Black Powder Era 1850-1910', volumes I and II.
America Heritage Cartridge poster showing ammunition and cartridges from the mid 1800's up to around 1885. I first saw this for sale on the SPG web site, shipping was very expensive, but luckily for me, Ken found someone selling them on E-Bay.
The first two books I purchased through Amazon US from different sellers with different shipping rates. Sometimes it states that they cannot ship the UK, keep going and you will find someone who will.
I got the two reloading books from Track of the Wolf, I can't remember about the others but try Buffalo Arms, Shiloh etc.
As I say, they are not cheap, between $75 and $100 plus shipping, but for me they are a must. Having said that, I might sell on my Remington book as I have lost interest in my RB rifle. I am a Sharps man. If anyone is interested, they can get me on 07545330053 or they can e-mail me at :
I will finish now before I throw my keyboard out the window, bloody thing. The keys keep sticking etc.
Cheers, Chris.
(Note from Editor :- Chris, why not give us a concise review of these tomes, you might inspire some of us to seek them out?)