The Quigley Shooting Asssociation
Saturday27th May and this year’s annual QSA Tightgroup competition got under way. Run on the lines of UK Benchrest style competition the format generally followed that of Benchrest, but with some minor allowances due to the unique nature of these 19th Century long guns, and, as the only wind indicators on the prairie were grass and dust, no wind flags were permitted. Each firer was to fire four separate groups of five rounds at 100 metres on a standard 25yd pistol target with time to wipe the bore between shots. The resulting group sizes recorded were then added together and divided by 4, to give an average group size.
As per Benchrest rules, firers were allowed to rest the rifles front and back if they wished, and some very reasonable groups began to appear. However, as usual, almost everyone shot at least one group larger than we would have liked, due to the odd flier.
It soon became apparent that Darren Wallis was on form, with two groups below 2 inches. His first group taking the lead with an extreme spread of 1.5in chased by Stevie Smith with 2.2in. A previous winner, Ken Hall was also in the running with his first group of 2.4in. Consistency is the key and although Eric Todd’s second group measured a superb 1.4in he didn’t manage to keep up the standard, leaving Darren, Ken and Stevie to battle it out.
Overall, the results were encouraging and shows that the “Dark Stuff” isn’t that much of a mystery after all. Thanks to everyone who entered, we should continue to strive towards achieving smaller groups at this distance; otherwise decent scores at longer ranges will continue to elude us.
Competitor Best Group Average
1st Darren Wallis 1.5in 1.87in
2nd Ken Hall 1.7in 2.40in
3rd Steve Smith 2.2in 3.00in
Smallest group Eric Todd 1.40in.