The Quigley Shooting Asssociation
Sunday 9th July saw three teams of six firers each from the Quigley Shooting Association, the Single Shot Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Club of Great Britain and the Yorkshire Buffalo Hunters compete in the annual Team Steel Challenge competition. Sadly the YBH could only field five firers and so Jake Healey fired twice but his second run was for honours only. The weather remained dry with some cloud in the morning but from lunchtime the sun blessed us with it’s presence. Stage 1 at 400 yards saw two details of three members from each team fire a ten minute ranging-in session at markers in the backstop, with team members being permitted to spot for each other, followed by the challenging bit, ten shots each in turn at a life-sized steel silhouette of a ram backed by a non-scoring Corex sheet to aid the sight picture against the dark sand background. Even so this is a very difficult target and there were misses from all teams. Highest scorers were Mark Silver of the SSBPCRCGB and Sam Lodge of the YBH scoring nine hits each. Going in for lunch the score stood at 39 for the SSBPCRCGB, 32 for the QSA and 37 (before factoring) for the YBH.
Lunchtime provided the chance for shooters to picnic in the sunshine and exchange hints and tips on reloading etc. as well as to sow seeds of friendly rivalry. (What other sport has opposing teams giving each other tips and assistance?) After lunch we were out to 600 yds and a reprise of Stage 1, but this time ten rounds each at a ¾ size steel buffalo silhouette, again with a Corex backing. Once more there were a few misses, with only Mark Silver of the SSBPCRCGB scoring on all ten shots. The YBH hit the buffalo 34 times with the QSA on 35 and the SSBPCRCGB with 45 hits.
After the scores had been factored, the SSBPCRCGB had ‘rang the gong’ 72 times, the QSA 64 times and the YBH 56 times, a very close contest indeed.
So the Annual Trophy goes South for another year. All competitors received a commemorative medal. The atmosphere throughout was one of great comradeship and firers are to be congratulated for the truly sportsmanship way in which the competition was run.