The Quigley Shooting Asssociation
Sat 18th February, last week’s snow had disappeared and we were blessed with a relatively calm but chilly day. In previous years we had fired this competition at 300 yds on B range. However an executive decision was made late last season to shoot at 400 yds in order to ‘test the metal’ of the competitors. Actually the real reason is to avoid the hard climb to the B range 300yd firing point, (we’re not getting any younger). The shoot consists of two sighters and ten to count at 400yds at a standard TR bullseye target to give each contestant a chance to find a suitable zero, followed by a straight ten shots at a 2/3rd size figure of a mounted Indian in ¾ profile. The object of the shoot is to hit the figure the most times out of the ten shots, hits on the horse or backer counting only as tie breakers.
All but one firer managed to score on the bullseye target but the figure was a little more elusive with the backer and the horse taking most hits. However, it soon became a head to head with Darren Wallis and Sammy Clarkson being on form. On the first detail Darren had scored 4 hits on the Figure, 1 on the horse and 5 on the backer. On the second detail, Sammy was challenging hard with 4 on the figure, 1 on the horse and 4 on the backer with one shot to go, a horse or a figure to win outright.............
Indian Horse Backer
1st Sammy Clarkson 5 1 4
2nd Darren Wallis 4 1 5
3rd Dave Malpas 3 0 7
Commiserations to Yours Truly, who managed to hit the Indian 2 times, the horse 4 times and the backer 4 times using a Winchester ’73 with black powder loads to place fourth.